Thursday, November 28, 2019

Machiavelli Essays - Machiavellianism, Renaissance Literature

Machiavelli Niccolo Machiavelli was not one, but three men: a political theorist, a military theorist, and a famous writer. Niccolo Machiavelli was born in Florence in 1469. The Machiavelli family was one of the most prominent politically in the city, having 15 Gonfaloniere among his ancestors.1 Niccolo's father, Bernardo Machiavelli was a legal consultant in the city, prominent participant in humanist scholarship of the day, and close associate of the city's First Chancellor. Niccolo received the very top quality humanist education available. We first hear of him playing an active role in the affairs of his native city in 1498, when the position for head of second chancery, came open. He was only twenty-nine years old at the time, and didn't have any previous experience. However, his nomination was confirmed and he was appointed second chancellor of the Florentine Republic.2 Machiavelli's official position involved him in very important duties. The first and second chanceries both handled official correspondence dealing with Florence's domestic, foreign, and military affairs. As head of the second chancier, Machiavelli was also soon assigned the further job of secretary to the Ten of War, the committee responsible for the Florence's diplomatic relations.3 In addition to his routine office duties, he also traveled abroad to act as spokesman for the Ten. During the next fourteen years, Machiavelli was sent on numerous diplomatic missions to France, Switzerland, and Germany. In June 1500, Machiavelli was in France at the court of Louis XII, negotiating for assistance in regaining Pisa, which had asserted its independence form Florence and tried to establish an independent city-state.4 There in France, Machiavelli saw first-hand the weak leadership of the king. He also learned about the French Parliament and its difficulties in resolving power struggles between the hereditary nobles and the common people. The Medici reentered the city of Florence in 1512, after eighteen years. Within weeks the free republic of Florence was swept away, and in came oligarchy, and the Medici family assumed absolute power. In November 1512, Machiavelli was dismissed from his government post and forbidden to leave Florentine territory for a year.5 In February 1513, he was falsely accused of taking part in an unsuccessful conspiracy against the Medici and was imprisoned.6 Early in the same year, Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici was elected as pope as Leo X. The election greatly strengthened the new regime in Florence. Along with celebrations, they freed many political prisoners, including Machiavelli. As soon as he was released, he tried to get his job back. With no response from the Medici, he withdrew to his farm at Sant' Andrea. There Machiavelli began writing "The Prince"-describes the means by which a leader may gain and maintain power. Machiavelli hoped that "The Prince" would bring him to the attention of the Medici. He wanted them to see that he was still their loyal subject, and to impassive that he was a man worth employing.7 The year 1512 is generally considered to have been the turning point of his life. Machiavelli, throughout his whole life was involved in politics and writing.. He was a born writer even when he was not trying. After he was dismissed from office, was when he used his writing as means to get his job back. The Medici didn't agree with the book, and the public was outraged. The public thought he was cruel and heartless for having such evil thoughts. Machiavelli never won the trust of the Medici, and never got his job back. From 1513 to the time of his death in 15278, he wrote numerous of political works including: The Prince, 1513; The Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livy, 1513-1518; The Discourse on the War with Pisa, 1498; Report on the Fortifications of Florence, 1526; The Life of Castruccio Castracani, 1520; The Art of War, 1517-1520, etc. In addition, he wrote several literary works: Mandragola, a play; Clizia, an adaptation from Plautus; Belfagor, a novel.9 The Medici was kicked out of Florence a few years later.10 Machiavelli ran to take office, but his reputation with The Prince made people think that his political views were like the Medici and was not elected. Machiavelli continued to write and died peacefully in his home in 1527.11 Even after his death he was criticized for his corrupt ruling. Machiavelli's purpose was to describe the realities of political life-not to set up a school for tyrants. It was believed that rulers like Napoleon I and Adolf Hitler used The Prince as a kind of textbook to guide them in the pursuit of power.12 If Machiavelli's exposition

Monday, November 25, 2019

Nutrition Essay Writing 10 Facts to Disclose in the Paper

Nutrition Essay Writing 10 Facts to Disclose in the Paper Students are often asked to write an essay devoted to nutrition. There are a great number of nutrition essay topics.   Nowadays, it’s not an easy task to write a nutrition essay. The Internet is full of information, and it’s difficult to find something really worthy, essential, 100% accurate, and useful. It’s very important to find a topic that is unique and informative. Of course, an essay must be supported by a strong idea and facts. It’s also important to show that you possess some specific information on the subject but not only general one. It’s necessary to follow all university requirements while writing a nutrition essay. Remember 4 main writing styles: MLA Chicago APA Harvard If you know nothing about them, then learn more about these styles first in case you don’t want to lose points because of format mistakes. When you use false information, you can fail the task. That’s why you should check the information you are going to use in your work. 10 Verified Facts You Can Reflect in Your Nutrition Essay Eye health depends not only on person’s age, time spent in front of a laptop, iPhone, tablet, and conditions at a person’s working place like light and distance between eyes and documents. The key to eye health is also good nutrition. The most important elements for human eyes are lutein, zeaxanthin, Vitamin C, Zinc, Omega 3, Vitamin E, and fatty acids EPA and DHA. Lutein and zeaxanthin partially help protect eyes from blue light and macular oxidative harm. Omega 3 improves tears and eye retina. DHA and EPA acids help people above 45 protect eyes from aging. Zinc, Vitamins E and C work as eye cellular membrane’s When a person wants to lose some weight, it’s very important to find a diet that won’t spoil the health state. It’s especially essential for people who have eye problems. Professionals consider colorful diet to be the best one. Due to it, a person consumes a great variety of fruit and vegetables. The orange day can contain carrot, and a green day may include spinach. They improve eye health because they have much zeaxanthin and lutein. Human brains contain fat, 10-20 percent of which is provided by Omega 3. Scientists differentiate between several main types of Omega 3. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid): fatty fish, eggs, algae, and fish oil; ALA (alpha-linolenic acid): plant oils. Lack of Omega 3 fats can lead to serious health and mental complications like low IQ, mental problems, depression, cardiovascular diseases, and a great number of others. Vitamin D is vitally important for people. As a rule, human organism gets it through the skin. The main source of vitamin D is the sun rays. Unfortunately, most people use protecting creams or stay at home when there is much sun outside. That’s why people should consume one tablespoon of cod liver oil or some Vitamin D supplement. If a body lacks vitamin D, a person can suffer osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, and many other health problems. Scientists can’t completely prove whether carbs and fats are harmful to the human organism or not. The fact is that refined carbs are more harmful than unrefined ones. Whole-grain cereals, fruits, vegetables, and beans contain enough unrefined carbs and refined flour, and sugar contains many refined carbs. When a person keeps to a high-carb diet, the organism can lack a great number of nutritious things like fiber. While eating too many refined carbs a person can have high blood sugar. That can provoke diabetes, obesity, and other diseases. It’s impossible to fulfill the body with vitamins and minerals due to supplements. A person should vary meals to avoid a great number of various diseases. The exception is Vitamin D because not everyone can stand the impact of sun rays, like albinos. Diets are not effective. If a person stops eating some food for a period, the body considers it as starving. When a person returns to usual meals, the body tries to restore the lost elements and a person can gain more kilos than before the diet. That’s why it’s important to change a lifestyle. When a person leads a normal way of life, the body gets everything it requires and doesn’t try to restore the lost elements together with weight. Women who eat healthily can also suffer nausea, constipation, and heartburn. However, proper nutrition can ease the symptoms. A pregnant woman mustn’t eat â€Å"for two† as the myth says. It’s necessary to add 300 calories daily during the second and the third trimester to have enough nutrition. A mother-to-be should get 75-100 grams of protein, 1000 milligrams of Calcium, 27 milligrams of Iron, 600 to 800 micrograms of Folic Acid, and 85 milligrams of Vitamin C daily. She also must avoid badly cooked meals not to get salmonella, toxoplasmosis, and other bad bacteria. The chosen topic must be good and lack investigation so that a student could show personal opinion. References: Husband-Coached Childbirth by Robert Bradley, M.D., Marjie Hathaway, Jay Hathaway, James Hathaway . Kris Gunnars, BS. Top 10 Nutrition Facts That Everyone Agrees on, March 27. 2018 Parent Tips. Use the Nutrition Facts Label.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis of Nationalism and Ethnic Politics Literature review

Analysis of Nationalism and Ethnic Politics - Literature review Example The point of the existence of nationalism is a nation characterized by shared language, culture, and values. The academic theory on nationalism shows that national identity is usually contested and may reflect in the differences in class, gender, dialect, region, and language. Origin of nationality. The first studies relating to nationalism were mostly historically accounted for by the nationalist movements. Towards the end of the 19th century, the followers of Marx and other socialists showed an analysis that was very critical of the movements of the nationalists. This gives rise to the sociological theories of nationalism which date back to the period after the second world war. Some of these theories discuss issues relating to the identity of the people of a particular nation which are of major impact to nationalists (Smith, 2010). Anthony D. Smith shows the origin of nationalism and creates a synthesis of primordial and modernist views, which are now commonly referred to as an et hnic-symbolist approach. According to Smith, the conditions prior to the formation of a nation include: -A homeland that is fixed(current or historical) -High degree of autonomy -Hostile environments -Memories of battles -Sacred areas and centres -Languages -Special norms and practices -Historical records and way of thought Smith also postulates that the nation came into existence as a result of joining the whole population and not just the elite in the society, the introduction of legal and political institution, ideas from the nationalists, international popularity and the segregation of land by border formation. Research seeks to find out which among the nation or nationalism came first. According to the primordial theory of nationalism, nations are presented to be dating back or at least ethnic groups, as a social reality dating back twenty thousand years as a social reality. However, contrasting this speculation is the modernist theories which to a great extent show that until around 1800, there were no nations. The ideas of a national identity were first introduced by the European states for purposes of modernization and control of the economy and society. The people behind the modernist theory of nationalism view capitalism and printing press as important factors in nationalism. The Approaches to Nationalism The modernist Approach. The modernist approach borrows from the Marxist's traditions and as postulated by Smith, as much as nationalism is a modern concept, he insists that nations too have a pre-modern origin.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chewing tobacco Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chewing tobacco - Research Paper Example & Johnson, C, 2000, p.2). Moreover, the statistics of the tobacco users and its addiction shows that the problem is of large scale and of serious nature. According to a report of the Surgeon General (1989), the negative health consequences of addiction to tobacco through smoking and oral use has been revealed through number of medical and scientific researches (Johnson, D. & Johnson, C, 2000, p.2). The sad news is that the number of people who use tobacco but are not even prepared to quit it is more than 50 million in the US alone (Johnson, D. & Johnson, C, 2000, p.2). This shows that either people are not aware of the hazardous consequences of tobacco dependence or they are so addicted to it that they are not able to quit it. Hence, the only way to tackle the problem of tobacco dependence successfully is to prevent it at any cost, and not to fall in the trap of the ‘safety’ of chewing tobacco and the ‘charm’ of smoking tobacco. Smokeless Tobacco Smokeless t obacco is the tobacco that people chew, take orally or inhale, instead of consuming (i.e. smoking) it through cigarettes, as is usually done (Ghodse, 2010, p. 121). ‘Smokeless tobacco’, the tobacco that is consumed by chewing, is the term used generally in Southeast Asia as the oral use of tobacco is more common in Southeast Asian countries (Ghodse, 2010, p. 121). In Asian countries, chewing tobacco is common practice not only in men but also in women (Ghodse, 2010, p. 121). By adding flavors and nuts, the tobacco is made easy to consume on daily basis (Ghodse, 2010, p. 121). People in Asia have a peculiar way of chewing tobacco. To enhance the taste of tobacco and to make it linger in mouth for a long time, the nicotine is permitted to be absorbed slowly through oral cavity by placing the ‘moist’ ground tobacco between the gums and the cheek (Ghodse, 2010, p. 121).However, as this method also makes the user to spit frequently, it is not a popular method of consuming tobacco (Ghodse, 2010, p. 121). The method of nasal inhalation or dry snuff, which can be taken orally, is the method which is used by most people to consume smokeless tobacco (Ghodse, 2010, p. 121). It is assumed that as chewing tobacco does not involve inhaling or exhaling smoke, it is not harmful to health. However, it has been found that chewing tobacco causes more harmful health problems than smoking tobacco. Dangers of Chewing Tobacco The tobacco industry has always tried to minimize health worries related to tobacco use by introducing new ‘safe’ brands to the public through manipulative advertisements and campaigns (Johnson, D. & Johnson, C, 2000, p. 3). The tobacco advertising campaigns in 1970’s and 1980’s made people believe that they can reduce the health risks related to tobacco use by adopting the ‘safe’ way to use tobacco, i.e. chewing or tasting it, rather than smoking it through cigarette, cigars or pipes (Johnson, D . & Johnson, C, 2000, p.3). However, it has been found that chewing tobacco is, in fact, more harmful than smoking tobacco. Through the sensitive linings of mouth and tongue, the nicotine enters the bloodstream of the user who chews tobacco (Johnson, D. & Jo

Monday, November 18, 2019

Subject Decision Theory (US MBA course) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Subject Decision Theory (US MBA course) - Essay Example Steve put in all his efforts into the running of the business and managed to make it very successful, so much so that by 1980 the total annual sales went up to more than $2 million. However, after that the company underwent a turn. Steve's son, Jim, joined Blake Electronics in 1984 as a general sales manager. He had completed high school and had obtained a two year course degree in electronics. Jim was said to be quite aggressive and this quality in him did not change after he joined his father's company. In fact, his aggressiveness increased. This led to him making deals with companies which the Blake Electronics was not able to complete. Jim would take contracts to provide the supplies to companies without checking out whether Blake Electronics could manage to fulfil the deal. Due to this Blake Electronics had to face certain embarrassing situations. Still, there was not much harm done yet. By 1988 Jim had started taking government contracts too and two years after that the total sales mounted to greater than $10 million. After that the Company lost the chance of obtaining any more contracts. Jim continued with his behaviour and that led to the government not offering any more contracts to Blake Electronics. This also made the Company lose its reputation and it was termed as an unreliable supplier. Thus, by 1997 there was a great risk of Blake Electronics facing losses. To avoid ... For this he asked the research team of his company to design novel electronic gadgets for home use. The research team came up with the Master Control Center. This was to be sold for $250. The functioning of the device was such that it had two rows of five buttons and each button operated as a switch or a rheostat, depending on what you want. It was powered by two D-sized batteries which lasted till a year or so, depending on how much it is used. According to the research team, this project would cost them $500,000 and if it turned out to be successful, it could bag up to $2 million of sales. Therefore, it surely did sound attractive. However, the problem was that Steve was unsure as to whether this venture would succeed and whether his company would get profits or would lose through this project. In order to solve this problem Steve sent requests for proposals so as to conduct marketing research. Total he sent 30 proposals to business operating in southern California. First of all Marketing Associates, Inc. (MAI) responded. They had offered to charge $100,00 for a survey and according to the information they gave, that company had been operating since three years and were quite a successful business. The second and the last proposal that Steve got was from Iverstine and Kinard. This company had a very good reputation throughout the company and was termed as the largest marketing firm in the region. They were going to charge Steve $500,000 for the survey. Although the cost was higher than of the previous company, Iverstin and Kinard were more able to predict about the sales. This company also did not have as good a record as that of Marketing Associates. However, the fact that they could better be able to make predictions about the Blake

Friday, November 15, 2019

Requirements for a Pilates Instructor

Requirements for a Pilates Instructor Pilates Instructor What is required to be a Pilates instructor? A Pilates instructor offers hands-on comprehensive Pilates instruction to a group of students or to an individual. As a fitness program, Pilates is designed to increase the muscular strength, and to improve one’s posture while toning the body. This is usually taught by working on specifically designed Pilates equipment as also using a Pilates mat. The majority of Pilates instructors are certified practitioners having completed a lengthy training program, but there are also some excellent instructors that have been instructing for many years who are not certified because they probably began instructing before certification existed. Ask yourself the following questions: Do I enjoy teaching? Do I have an interest in body mechanics, anatomy and exercise science? Do I enjoy speaking in front of large groups Am I self-motivated? Am I ok trading my job stability for job flexibility? Core Strength Core strength is the foundation of Pilates. Core muscle is the deep, internal musculature of the back and abdomen. When these core muscles are strong and correctly executing their role, as they are trained to do with Pilates, they will work together with the more superficial musculature of one’s trunk to support the spine and one’s movement. As one develops core strength then also stability is developed throughout the entire torso. This is one technique by which Pilates assists people to overcome their back pain. As the trunk of the body is correctly stabilized, any pressure on the back is released and then the body is able to move more freely and efficiently. The Six Pilates Principles: Centering Control Flow Breath Precision Concentration These six principles are the essential components found in a high quality Pilates workout. The techniques have always emphasized quality over quantity, and you will find that, unlike other systems of exercise, Pilates does not include a lot of repetition for each posture. Alternatively, performing each exercise fully, with precision, will yield more significant gains in a shorter period than one would imagine. A Unique System of Exercise Core strength and thus torso stability, along with the six principles, establish the Pilates techniques apart from so many other types of exercise – which mostly are merely exercise. Weight lifting, for example, can place much attention on arm or leg strength but without attending at all to the inescapable fact that these body parts are connected to the rest of one’s body. Even swimming or running can seem to be all arms and legs, with either an overly tense or a floppy core. Ultimately those people who really do succeed at their sport also learn to use their core muscles correctly and to their advantage. In Pilates an integrative methodology is taught and learned from the outset. Training to Become a Pilates Instructor It is a challenging goal to aim for Pilates fitness instructor certification, but it is clearly worthwhile if you love fitness and group exercise. Equally, you must be willing to invest in the time and effort necessary, for you could become certified and start teaching Pilates within less than one year. As an instructor, you shall be able to assist others to reach their fitness goal while also maintaining your own. The training required to become an instructor of Pilates is intense. Most individual training certifications are in the 20-hour range. To be a completely certified Pilates instructor this will require some 500 or so hours of courses, and will take most people approximately 18 to 24 months to accomplish. You have to love Pilates and also be prepared to study and train hard. You will be spending many weekends at seminars and also a lot of time by yourself practicing, while also practicing teaching upon your friends and those willing to lie down on a mat for you instruction. Expect to spend approximately $4,000 to complete the full training. To qualify as a Pilates instructor, it’s recommended that one participates in Pilates classes for a lengthy stint in order to discover one’s aptitude and interest for the program. Additionally, many of the instructors also study anatomy and other exercise and fitness principles before they embark upon gaining certification from a studio; some number of studios simply will not accept applicants for Pilates instructor training without some background in human anatomy. A student will be required to choose certification in either Pilates mat instruction, which is simpler and so less expensive Or in the comprehensive instruction course with competence of Pilates equipment. Pilates instruction can take place in a group scenario, with several students, or by teaching individual private clients. If an instructor is employed by a studio, then generally they need to teach a required number of classes as determined by the studio, yet many instructors are self-employed and thus are able to determine their own schedules. Choose a mat or comprehensive certification Both the Pilates mat certification or the comprehensive Pilates equipment certification programs, will involve regular classes, both in group and as an individual, including hands-on instruction, written course work, and a final examination. The examination will also include both hands-on work and written questions. The instructor applicants may also be required to assist an existing certified instructor for a number of classes before they are granted the certification. An instructor will need to thoroughly understand the over 500 exercises in the full program, and also how to instruct them on the mat and also using the equipment. They shall need to know how to modify the postures for individuals who may have different needs, such as pregnant women, those with injuries, disabilities, diminished flexibility, or the elderly. Instructors may also wish to incorporate Pilates with other forms of exercise or well-being sciences, like Yoga. The Pilates Method Alliance is the governing body for the Pilates industry. But as this is an unregulated sector, it is not essential that one gets certification through the PMA, but it is recommended. Pilates certification is usually split into two parts Pilates mat certification Comprehensive certification in Pilates, covering all of the specialized Pilates equipment. Following these two basics, there is the professional certification and also further to this several levels of advanced training. This is available for those students who choose to also specialize in a sport-specific, or in the rehabilitative dimensions of Pilates. Basic Mat Instructor Mat instructor training is generally available to those students that have demonstrated the basic proficiency in their classes. It’s recommended that a student should study Pilates for some period before they commence a teacher’s training class, but unfortunately, not all of the certifying bodies are requiring previous Pilates experience. The training courses for mat instructors cover all basic mat exercises, including the techniques of modification sometimes required for different client needs. Expect a mat instructor examination to include a teaching demonstration and also a written test. The basic Mat Instructor certificate is often offered as an intensive one weekend course, or as a course spanning two weekends, this will depend upon the provider. Expect this to cost anywhere from $100. to $300. And even more for certification. Again, please beware. Pilates training is not standardized, so therefore you will get what you pay for. Do research the certification body that interests you and confirm that it meets your standards and needs. Comprehensive Instructor Certification Comprehensive certification that includes Pilates equipment is a more elaborate course than the basic mat instructor certification. A potential student is often required to have undergone at least one year of Pilates study, which includes a number of private lessons. Completion of the mat teacher training course will also be expected. At this comprehensive level, a student must undertake a basic course in human anatomy and physiology, plus the history of Joseph Pilates and also the evolution of the Pilates Method. Moreover in-depth instruction of the Pilates equipment and the exercises performed on it with modifications, are expected. The higher the level then the more sophisticated the certification becomes, so these days there is a trend toward phasing the comprehensive instructor certification process into several segments. Each certification program course has its own design and they do vary, e.g., one may see a program where there is a study level for the reformer, or another for the Cadillac or other apparatus, and perhaps a level dealing with issues regarding special needs. Each of the levels may be an intensive course, or learnt over a longer period of time. Comprehensive certification may take over a year of studies to accomplish, it regularly requires many hours spent in a studio as a teacher apprentice, totaling approximately some 900 hours over a year. Validity of Certification Carefully research which type of fitness organization that you may wish to be associated with. Where you actually obtain the fitness instructor certification will no doubt influence the future job search after training is completed. Various organizations do offer training and subsequent certification, however not all are reputable or even recognized by many gyms or other fitness and health facilities. Do ask established Pilates instructors regarding their training, and understand that acknowledged fitness training organizations, such as the American Fitness Professionals Associates (AFPA), offer you bona fide and specialized group instructor training of all types. Your overall fitness career goal To reach the goal you have chosen, do work with a competent organization that will enable you to reach it. Firstly, secure a Group Fitness Instructor Certification via professionally authenticated fitness training organizations, like Americas Authority on Fitness (ACE). The basic group exercise training and certification will assist you in opening more doors than not having such validity, and moreover it will provide a sturdier foundation for further specialized training, including comprehensive Pilates certification. Understand precisely what you need to accomplish to gain certification, and research the full cost of training prior to committing. Calculate the added costs for other prerequisites, such as CPR training. Ensure you receive the appropriate fitness credits for all the training courses completed. Many fitness training organizations tally the course credits for certification similar to how most colleges and universities calculate the accumulation of credits for a degree. Sometimes the fitness credits may be applied to other types of certifications. Hybrid Pilates. Yoga Pilates. Pilates with Bands, The great Ball, etc†¦ Think about combining Pilates with other exercise methods or fitness equipment techniques as this is a growing field. You can now get certified for Yoga-Pilates, Pilates with exercise bands, and Pilates on the ball, and more. These sort of certification programs are regularly offered in weekend programs that have few prerequisites. Though hybrid combinations may be fun and helpful, it is equally important to understand that Pilates is a highly specific methodology. A minimum requirement of a mat instructor certificate is recommended prior to commencing any cross-over teaching. Pilates Instructing tips Pilates can be somewhat difficult, especially for beginners. When instructing Pilates, it is crucial for the instructor to consider the ability levels of all the participants. To make this easier, it is usually better to limit class sizes so that each participant will receive more of an individual guidance. Classes should be designed to a specific ability level so that on the whole, while abilities will naturally vary, the class is moreorless of a beginner standard, or intermediate etc. One of the mistakes instructors can make is not to put in sufficient effort that keeps the class fun. Instructing Pilates is much more than simply getting people to exercise; it is also about teaching participants to develop healthy long term habits. One way to do this is to keep the activities fun for the class, as this will influence the class to want to keep on with learning. Engaging with individuals is vital, while ensuring that each individual is within their ability level, while also expanding their comfort zone. The effectiveness of any Pilates instructor depends upon their knowledge of the exercises and routines and of their enthusiasm.. these character traits are contagious and those participating in a class will respond to how they are being instructed, and mirror that enthusiasm. An instructor should be clear and precise regarding their instructions and able to guide seamless transitions between the activities while teaching Pilates. This presupposes that you are able to work as an effective communicator while ensuring that each student in the class can understand the guidance. In between the exercises, an instructor must be offering encouragement and also motivation to learners, and explaining carefully the following activity and why it is important. Repetition may be necessary as many students will not clearly follow or understand the directions in full, initially. Some students will inculcate instructions much better by observing, therefore the instructor may need to demonstrate an exercise before and during a set of exercises being performed by the students. Be assured you that you do not have to be young, thin, and extremely agile or a strong individual to toward become instructor. However it’s necessary, to have a passion for passing on knowledge to others.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Beginnings of Greek Philosophy Essay -- Science Math Stars Papers

The Beginnings of Greek Philosophy The Milesians and Heraclitus Long before the time of Thales, a citizen of Miletus, in the district of Ionia on the west coast of Asia Minor, Chaldaen astrologers had listed data on the position of the stars and planets. As Thales studied these tables he thought he discerned a pattern or regularity in the occurrence of eclipses, and he ventured to predict a solar eclipse that occurred on May 28th 585BC. Some scholars think that this was just a lucky empirical guess, but if it was the discovery of an astronomical regularity or natural law, then Thales may be credited with distinguishing Greek philosophy and science from the somewhat aimless observations and disjointed information of the Eastern wise men. When a law is formulated, Man's wonder at the phenomenon is supposed to be satisfied, and nature is said to be explained and understood. Thales is also credited with the discovery of several theorems of geometry and with diplomatic, engineering, and economic exploits. If there is a difference between science and p hilosophy, it is that the regularities of science are relatively restricted, whereas the more general principles, called 'philosophic' apply to wider areas. Thales's more general speculations concerned the constitution of the universe. What is the world made of? Are there many elements or is there but one? And if one, what is it? These questions dominated the entire Pre-Socratic period; and they are still live issues today; and if Thales's answer seems crude to a so-called sophisticated 21st century mind, his motivation and procedure may prove as profound as any contemporary inspiration. As a matter of fact, Thales taught that all things are made of water, and we may imagine re... ...uch a person, so hardy as to suggest that reality is spiritual and not material, would have to be a genius as great as Plato. There is a much easier choice that can be made. The great minds of ancient Greek thought with all their scientific acumen, so it may be concluded, have failed to find any truth. The reason for their failure is simply that there is no truth to be found. Knowledge is impossible. This conclusion is a welcome relief after such arduous philosophising; and besides, it offers great opportunities for ambitious young thinkers. Thus there arose in Greece the movement known as Sophism. Bibliography: JOHNS, B. Early Greek Philosophical Thought New York, 1976 MARTIN, K. A History of Greek Philosophy New York and London, 1981 McCONNELL, T. The Pre-Socratic Philosophers Dublin 1988 CARSON, N. Exploring the Pre-Socratics London, 1985